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Ford corrosion lawsuit dismissed

Clicks: 1541    Date: 2015-09-21    Size: [ big  medium  small ]

Corrosion is not only an enemy of the oil industry, but also the car industry, as Ford recently was the target of a corrosion-related lawsuit. Plaintiffs Mark Solomon and Williams Mickens claimed that the car company willingly sold them vehicles, knowing that the cars aluminum hood would corrode, causing further damage to the car, according to

Even though Ford offered protection from corrosion for the cars for up to five years, the plaintiffs sought damages for their trouble. However, a judge recently dismissed the case, claiming that there was not enough evidence of losses and that the plaintiffs theory that the car company knowingly sold them defective vehicles was not true.

"The lawsuit says corrosion is one of those dangers, including corrosion to steel components located under the cracked rear panels," "The plaintiffs name a stud plate that attaches to the rear wiper motor as one example. According to the lawsuit, corrosion can affect not only the rear wiper motor mounted to the stud plate, but also a striker that latches the rear glass to the liftgate."

Due to the bubbling of the paint caused by corrosion damage, Mickens claimed that he could have been able to trade in his older Mustang for more money, but was not able to do so. Meanwhile, Ford countered with evidence provided by the NADA Official Used Car Guide, which priced the best trade-in value for the plaintiffs car was even lower than what he sold it for.

Therefore, the judge found that there was no substantial evidence to assume that Mickens would have received more money when he traded in his older model, which lead to the dismissal of the case as requested by Ford.

If you are interested in learning more about our cyclic corrosion testing, contact the Envsin Instrument Equipment Company today.