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How can I check whether my salt spray test chamber operates properly?

Clicks: 1853    Date: 2015-09-18    Size: [ big  medium  small ]

The first prerequisite for your test chamber to operate properly is that it is regularly serviced and well maintained. Further:the specified test conditions must be fulfilled such as the supply of clean deionised water, the right quality of salt and the clean environment.

Once a year the corrosivity of the salt spray test chamber has to be checked, the abration rate of the test panels should be 70 g/m² ± 20 g/m² according to the DIN EN ISO 9227. All necessary material for determining corrosiovity (test panels, chemicals and other accessories) you can buy in our webshop.

The distribution of the salt fog inside the test chamber has to be regularly checked. The fallout rate should be measured for 16 hours and it must range from 1.3 to 2.0 ml/h (standard: 1.0-2.0 ml/h).

If these conditions are met, you can assume that your machine runs fine. However, in order to obtain reliable results additional requirements must be met.