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ENVSIN Latest Models

Clicks: 1653    Date: 2015-09-09    Size: [ big  medium  small ]

ENVSIN has released the latest models of our temperature testing chambers ET type to increase the range of sizes available in this range. These operate over the temperature range of -70°C to +180°C and feature all the usual range of fittings of ENVSIN Chambers including a window in door, a 50mm porthole, and an internal shelf.

They are also fitted with the fully programmable microprocessor controlled PID controller with color LCD graphical display for displaying the conditions either alphanumerically or graphically. The controller is also fitted with an Ethernet communications port for connection to a PC for programming or data logging of the chambers performance.

These new chambers are supplied in the extra sizes of 80 litres (400 x 400 x 500mm WxDxH) and 1000 litres (1100 x 950 x 950mm WxDxH) to complement the existing chamber size of 240 litres. The chamber can also be fitted with an extensive range of optional accessories to allow the chambers to meet the customers’ exact requirements, thereby offering and excellent solution to the user’ s needs.