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Environmental chamber’s knowledge

Clicks: 1464    Date: 2015-09-10    Size: [ big  medium  small ]

An environmental test chamber artificially replicates the conditions under which machinery,
materials, devices or components might be exposed. It is also used to accelerate the effects of exposure to the environment, sometimes at conditions not actually expected.

These conditions mayinclude:  
• extreme temperatures
• sudden and extreme temperature variations
• moisture or relative humidity
• electrodynamics vibrations
• electromagnetic radiation
• Cyclic corrosion testing
• salt spray
• rain
• weathering
• exposure to sun, causing 
• UV degradation
• vacuum

Manufactured samples,specimens, or components are placed inside the chamber and subjected to one or more of these environmental parameters to determine reliability or measure after-effects such as corrosion. In the case of machinery such as internal combustion engines, byproducts such as emissions are monitored.

An environmental chamber can be a small room used both to condition test specimens and
to conduct the test. It can be a smaller unit that used for conditioning test items. Also, some chambers are small enough to be placed onto a universal testing machine or other test apparatus.

Many chambers are set at a certain set of conditions. Others can be programmed to cycle through specified sequences of conditions.